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About Luke's Live Fish
Central Arkansas has a vast network of ponds in both Lonoke and Carlisle, Arkansas. This area is in heart of the Grand Prairie which offers a unique clay hardpan soil composition that allows the land to be sculpted into ponds and lakes with access to aquifers. This location is the reason that Lonoke, Arkansas is known for the Fish Farming Capital of the of the United States.
The world is changing and so is sport fishing. Today people want private lakes and ponds to enjoy catching that keeper every time. This can be done through proper stocking, lake management and forage.
-Great Ornamental Fish and Great for Aquaponics.
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The Fathead Minnow

Fathead minnows are small forage fish not growing larger than 3 inches making them ideal forage for bluegill, hybrid bream, crappie and small largemouth bass. Their intended use in stocking new ponds is to jump start the forage base. Breeding early in the spring, baby minnows are eaten by bluegill fattening them before the summer spawning season. Baby minnows are also present in the summer months serving as forage for new largemouth bass. Once bass are stocked fathead minnows disappear quickly. This is ok as the bluegill have begun spawning and are capable of feeding the bass. Minnows can be stocked periodically to increase forage for bream in early spring and fall.Fathead minnows spawn in the spring when water temperatures reach 70 degrees F. Males become dark in color and grow rough patches on their heads. Males use this rough patch to clean the surface of the underside of submerged objects. Females lay their adhesive eggs to this clean surface and the males fertilize them. Males then guard the eggs until they hatch and the baby minnows are large enough to fend for themselves.Branches, leaves, old tires, pallets, tarps, boards or pvc pipe can be submerged along the shoreline to provide spawning habitat for minnows.
Blue Gill Fish
Lepomis, the generic name, is Greek and means "scaled gill cover". The species epithet macrochirus is also Greek and means "large hand" which may refer to the body shape or its size. Bluegills may be distinguished from other sunfish by the dark spot at the base of the dorsal fin, vertical bars on their sides, and a relatively small mouth. The spiny dorsal fin usually has 10 spines (but may have as many as 11 or as few as 9), and is broadly connected to the soft dorsal. The anal fin has three spines. The back and upper sides are usually dark olive green blending to lavender, brown, copper, or orange on the sides, and reddish-orange or yellow on the belly. Colors are more intense in breeding males, and vertical bars may take on a reddish hue.
Bluegills begin spawning when water temperatures reach about 70°F. Spawning may peak in May or June, but continues until water temperatures cool in the fall. Because of their long spawning season, bluegills have very high reproductive potential, which often results in overpopulation in the face of low predation or low fishing pressure. Nests are created in shallow water, one to two feet in depth. Gravel substrate is preferred. Fifty or more nests may be crowded into a small area, thus creating a spawning bed. Males guard the nest until the eggs hatch and fry leave. Young fish feed on plankton, but as they grow the diet shifts to aquatic insects and their larvae. Up to 50% of their diet may consist of midge larvae.
Bluegills appear to have been native to the eastern half of the United States, southeastern Canada and northeastern Mexico, exclusive of the coastal plain north of Virginia. Today, as a result of countless intentional as well as no doubt unintentional introductions, bluegill are found throughout the US and northern Mexico. Bluegills are found throughout Texas. Three subspecies are present: Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus which is native to the northeastern half of the state, Lepomis macrochirus speciosus which is native to the central, southern, and western portions of the state, and Lepomis macrochirus purpurescens, a native of Atlantic coast states which has been introduced widely as a sport and forage fish.
Although less than one percent of licensed Texas anglers say they "prefer" to catch sunfish, bluegill and other sunfish are nevertheless a vital part of many freshwater fisheries nationwide, including Texas. Many pre-license age anglers begin their fishing careers by bank fishing for bluegills and other sunfish. Bluegills provide plenty of fight, pound for pound. In Texas, bluegills approaching two pounds have been landed in public waters, and fish over three pounds are known from private tanks. The largest bluegill on record was 4 pounds 12 ounces, landed in 1950 from Ketona Lake in Alabama.